
Articles Posted in nature


How to Grow Shishito Peppers

Venn Crawford

This year, Dwight and Carolyn have embarked on a new adventure – vegetable gardening. Far from any farmland, the dynamic duo has set up shop on their two balconies, where they’re growing shishito peppers and tomatoes. What are Shishito Peppers? Shishito peppers are a mild Asian variety of pepper. When…


We’re Obsessed with Plastic, and That Should Scare You

Venn Crawford

How many things went into your trash can last night? How many of them were plastic? On average, Americans throw away 4.4 lbs of trash a day. That ends up being about 1600 lbs a year. Now, think about what’s in that trash: packaging for food, empty bottles, napkins, clothing…

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