
Articles Posted in children


Holiday Traditions – New Ideas

By: Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA

Creating a new family tradition can be a way to bring cheer to the holidays for both children and adults, especially when the family structure is changing due to divorce. One way to bond in a new family dynamic is to incorporate ‘matching outfits’, such as holiday themed pajamas or…


Single Parents and Poverty – Will the American Rescue Plan Help?

By: Carolyn J. Woodruff, JD, CPA, CVA

Greetings, Ask Carolyn readers. September is Hunger Awareness Month. Today’s blog explores the topic of single-parent poverty related to hunger issues and whether the American Rescue Plan will help reduce poverty. See the end of this blog for more information and links to resources. Single parent poverty is a harsh…


The Seven Nights of Santa travels to Lithuania

Venn Crawford

The Seven Nights of Santa traveled to Lithuania for the first time this July, thanks to our friend Andrew Mastecas’s excellent work in translating the book. My husband Dwight Ensley and I first published The Seven Nights of Santa in 2013. In my work as a family law attorney, I…


Ask Carolyn: August 2, 2018

Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Readers, today we have another Lolita story, and unfortunately, this kind of story is more common than you might think. The second question concerns an aging parent, who is perhaps incompetent. Dear Carolyn, I am in a book club with a group of women. One of the women in…


Presenting Drug Paraphernalia as Evidence in a Custody Trial

Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Carolyn, I read an article about a man who took marijuana to the courtroom in Greensboro. My ex-spouse smokes marijuana, and we are getting ready for a custody trial over our three-year-old. After my ex moved out, I found some drug paraphernalia the ex left behind in my home.…


Thoughts on Teaching Children Sign Language

Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Carolyn, I am a grandmother with an adorable sixteen-month-old grandson. He has recently started a preschool while his parents work. He is learning sign language, which I think is like deaf people learn and use. I don’t remember learning about this when my children were babies. What do you…


Ask Carolyn: July 5, 2018

Carolyn Woodruff

Today’s Ask Carolyn addresses the marriage of minor children in the United States and a domestic violence situation involving parents who won’t allow their 20-year-old to move out. Dear Carolyn, I am concerned about an article I recently read concerning underage girls as young as 12 and 13 years old marrying…


Why the Law Enforcement Model of CPS Doesn’t Work

Carolyn Woodruff

The fourteenth amendment of the United States Constitution creates the Parental Rights Doctrine. It is fundamental to our society that parents have the right to raise their children and the average American, I believe, has a longstanding commitment to parental rights. Except in extreme circumstances, parents have the fundamental right…


My Adult Child is Suicidal. What Legal Options Do I Have?

Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Carolyn, I am a concerned mother of a 19-year-old boy, who has a drug issue and is prone to suicidal threats. He did try to kill himself once when he was age sixteen, and he was placed in the behavioral health section of a local hospital for treatment. He…


Fathers’ Day Gift Ideas for Every Kind of Dad

Venn Crawford

He might be your father, stepdad, or husband, but this Sunday, you’re celebrating him for being Dad. There’s a lot of work that goes into being a dad. Dad brings us water and sits with us when we’re sick to our stomach. Dad walks the dog we promised we’d take…

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