
Ask Carolyn


Mother’s Day and Getting On with Things

Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Readers, Today’s first Ask Carolyn addresses dreading Mother’s Day. Happy Mother’s Day to all of you who have a great situation, but realize there are those around you for which Mother’s Day may be most stressful. The second question addresses getting on with your life after a relationship break-up. Dear Carolyn,…



Kam Hardy

Today, April 26th is Denim Day. This is the day to show your support for Peace Over Violence and protest against the negative attitudes toward rape. In honor of sexual violence month this Denim Day Campaign runs to promote awareness. This campaign started when the Italian Parliament overturned a rape conviction. Their…


The Masquerade

Carolyn Woodruff

Our beloved choreographer, Taliat Tarsinov, who is sought after worldwide, is Stellar Duo’s artistic director. His career in dance in 1974, turned professional in ’88, and began choreographing after his retirement in ‘95. Tarsinov has chosen Mystery of Masquerade as our theme. This theme has quite the history lesson. It dates back to the Roman…

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