
Ask Carolyn: August 2, 2018

Carolyn Woodruff

Dear Readers, today we have another Lolita story, and unfortunately, this kind of story is more common than you might think. The second question concerns an aging parent, who is perhaps incompetent.

Dear Carolyn,

I am in a book club with a group of women. One of the women in the book club has a 13-year-old daughter, and she asked me to write to you about this situation with her daughter. The daughter and mother do not live in Guilford County. The 13-year-old daughter has an uncle, the brother of the father of the 13-year-old. Unbeknownst to the mother, this uncle was apparently grooming the 13-year-old for a sexual relationship. There apparently were a couple of encounters of oral sex and breast fondling, as disgusting as that is.

Then, her daughter asked her to spend one overnight at the uncle’s house with the uncle’s wife present and his two teenage daughters. The 13-year-old is friends with the other two girls. After everyone went to sleep, the 13-year-old and the uncle got together in a spare bedroom. Then, the 13-year-old girl found out that the uncle had not only a wife, but also a girlfriend. It made the 13-year-old very angry, and she told her mother what happened. Her mother called law enforcement. Now DSS, the Department of Health and Human Services, has filed a Petition for abuse and neglect. This mother was taking care of the situation, so why is DSS involved in this case?

Dear Carolyn,

I have an elderly parent. My sister and I do not get along, and my parent has rather substantial resources. I am concerned that my sister will take advantage of my parent, and I am wondering if I can have a guardian appointed. What happens if a guardian for my parent is appointed?

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